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Berry Center A-Z

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


ADA Compliance

Berry Center meets and exceeds all service and structural requirements stipulated by the Americans with Disabilities Act. The following services are available to accommodate the needs of our fans with disabilities:


  • Assistive Listening Devices (ALD): These devices, which carry the Public Address System comments, are available for our fans with hearing impairments. The devices are available at the Guest Services booth outside of Section 103.


  • Wheelchair Seating: Wheelchair seating for guest with mobility concerns is available throughout Berry Center and Cy-Fair FCU Stadium.


  • Courtesy Wheelchair Service: Berry Center provides courtesy wheelchair service at all events. Once a guest arrives at the gate and requests this service, a wheelchair will be dispatched and an attendant will take the guest to his/her seating area. When the guest is ready to depart, the service is also available to take him/her to the exit.


  • Braille Signage: Braille and tactile signage is located throughout the facility.


8877 Barker Cypress Rd

Cypress, TX 77433


Includes all Berry Center departments, CFISD Athletics and CFISD Community Engagement



If you are interested in advertising at Cy-Fair FCU Stadium or Pridgeon Stadium, contact the CFISD Community Engagement office at 281-894-3950.


Age Requirement

Age requirements vary. Refer to your event information for any age requirement details. For CFISD athletics events, guests 5 and under may be admitted without an admission ticket.


Aisle Policy

Berry Center policy prohibits guests from standing, sitting or blocking the aisles during events.



Service animals assisting visitors with disabilities are allowed. Pets or any other non-trained service animals are prohibited.



There are no ATMs on premises, but may be provided for specific events. Please review your event information for details.



Baby Changing Stations

Baby changing tables are available in most men’s, women’s and family restrooms throughout the facility. 


Bicycle Parking

There are no bicycle racks available at Berry Center. Motorized vehicles may parks in designated areas.


Box Office

Box office locations are located at Entrances 2,3,5,6,7 and 8. Please review event information for details on box office location and availability.




Guests are welcome to bring cameras and video equipment into the facility. Sport lenses not allowed. Tripods are not allowed.



Berry Center offers catering options for various types of events. For additional information, complete an event request form. 



Concessions are available for a variety of events at Berry Center such as athletic events, concerts and graduation. Food and beverage options may include hamburgers, hot dogs, nachos, chips, candy, popcorn, soft drinks and water.


Costumes/Costume Masks

Costumes/Costume masks are prohibited. Berry Center reserves the right to refuse entry to or remove/eject any individual in a costumes/costume mask.


Credit Card Policy

All major credit cards are accepted at the box offices and all concession stands. 




Drones are not permitted to be flown inside or over the facility without prior approval from CFISD personnel. For additional information please call 281-894-3900 or email



Please see the specific details for your event for drop-off location as this is an event based decision.




Elevators for all guests are located in four locations areas inside the facility.


Inside Berry Center main building

Entrance 2, Entrance 3


Cy-Fair FCU Stadium

HOME SIDE: VIP located in between Entrance 5 & 6. Guests can also access this elevator at Entrance 5 and 6. Please inform your closest Guest Service representative for assistance.


Visitors Side

Entrance 8 only



Want to be a part of the team? We are always looking for friendly, service-oriented people to help make our guest experience the best in the area. Many of our available roles are part-time and seasonal. View available opportunities:




Personal cooling fans are permitted at the discretion of Guest Services staff.

Family Restrooms

Family restrooms are located throughout the facility.


First Aid

Lower level inside of Arena West Vomitory

Arena Concourse at Section ____

NOTE: Locations vary based on events. Please see a Berry Center staff member if you need assistance.


  • Home side: on the concourse across from section C/D

  • Visitor side On the concourse across from section C/D

In case of an emergency, immediately notify a guest services representative who will then contact the appropriate emergency personnel.




Game Start Time

Football Games: Are usually held Thursday 6pm, Fridays 7p, and Saturday at 630pm. Please check the schedule for update times and team information.


For all other athletic events held on the complex please check as times and location vary.


Gate Opening Time

Gates generally open one hour prior to game/event time. Gate times are subject to change.


Guest Conduct

Guest safety is our first priority. We strive to provide guests with a safe and comfortable environment. To help us achieve our goal of outstanding guest service, we ask for guest cooperation in the following areas:

  • Students, parents and all other guests are expected to follow CFISD policies, including the student code of conduct at all events at Berry Center.

  • Respect other guests' ability to enjoy the event. Guests may be asked to leave an event if their behavior is deemed to be inappropriate or offensive.

  • Refrain from using foul/abusive language and/or making obscene or derogatory gestures.

  • For the safety of all guests, do not interfere with the progress of the event/game or enter performance areas (field, stage, court, etc). Any guest interfering with a ball in play or going into an event area will be removed from the facility and could be subject to arrest.

  • Derogatory language, whether spoken or written, regarding any matter including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, age, sexual preference, or national origin is prohibited. Vulgar, profane, threatening, bullying, abusive, or offensive language is similarly prohibited.

The Berry Center maintains a policy of zero tolerance regarding any violation of the Guest Code of Conduct. Any guest who violates the Code of Conduct will be subject to immediate ejection as well as possible arrest and prosecution.

To report a violation of the Code of Conduct, please contact Guest Services immediately.

Such reports may be made in person at our Guest Services locations.

*Please see Prohibited Behavior, Prohibited Items, and Prohibited Language for additional information.


Guest Services Locations

Cy-Fair FCU Stadium

Location will be determined on an event basis.



Main Concourse: Across from Section 102

Lost and Found: Main office behind entrance 3 stairs



Pursuant to section 46.03, penal code (places weapons prohibited), a person may not carry a firearm or other weapon on this property.



Lost and Found

Any items lost or found within Berry Center and FCU Stadium should be brought to the attention of any uniformed employee. If items are lost during the event, guests can check with Guest Service agents. Please note that items delivered to Lost and Found will be held no longer than 30 days with the exception of credit cards which will be shredded within 72 hours for customer protection. To make inquiries or to arrange the pick-up of a lost item please contact us at (281) 894-3900.


Lost Guest

Please notify the nearest uniformed ballpark employee of a lost guest. Lost individuals will be brought to a designated location based on event for reunification.

Lost/Stolen Ticket



Metal Detectors

To ensure guest safety, both handheld and walk through metal detectors will be used at all gates to facilitate and expedite entry to Berry Center and Cy-Fair FCU Stadium. 


Mobile Pay

Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay are accepted at all concessions stands.


Mobile Ticketing

Selected events will offer mobile ticketing options to access Berry Center and FCU Stadium and Events. 



Nursing Rooms

Designated areas for nursing mothers are available upon request. Please ask a Berry Center guest services member for the closest nursing room.




The complex offers approximately 4,000 parking spaces available within the radius of Berry Center and Cy-Fair FCU Stadium, including many ADA spaces. Please review the maps to identify which lots are best for quicker entry to your event. View Parking Map.



All pets are prohibited. Trained service animals are allowed.



Posters are allowed at CFISD athletics events at Berry Center, so long as they are school appropriate, in good taste and do not interfere with the game, other guests' enjoyment of the game. Posters may not cover venue advertising or other signage, promote a commercial product or service, or contain language deemed inappropriate. Berry Center reserves the right to remove any sign deemed inappropriate. Posters may not obstruct the view of other guests or interfere with the event/game in any way. Posters may not be paraded through any part of the facility.


Prohibited Behavior

The following actions and behavior are violations of the Guest Code of Conduct and are prohibited:

  • Acting in a manner that is unruly, disruptive, and/or illegal.

  • Displaying inconsiderate, vulgar, profane, threatening, bullying, abusive, offensive, or otherwise inappropriate behavior toward staff and/or other guests.

  • Using foul/abusive language and/or making obscene or derogatory gestures.

  • Displaying obscene, indecent, and/or inappropriate clothing.

  • Displaying profane or inflammatory images or language.

  • Intentionally placing, dropping, tossing, or hurling any substance or object into event areas.

  • Interference with the progress of the event/game.

  • Fighting, taunting, or making threatening gestures.

  • Smoking, including the use of electronic cigarettes, or using smokeless tobacco.

  • Damaging or attempting to damage the facility and/or its contents or property.

  • Possessing or using illegal drugs or abusing prescription drugs.

  • Obstructing the view of other guests with excessive standing.

  • Sitting or standing on seat backs, standing on seats, or stepping over/on seats.

  • Standing or sitting in the walkways, aisles, or ramps.

  • Placing cups or other items on walls or ledges.

  • Throwing or kicking objects.


Prohibited Items

The following items will not be permitted inside Berry Center and FCU Stadium:

  • Aerosol cans

  • Alcohol

  • Animals (except for service animals)

  • Bags larger than 6” X 9” X 5”

  • Non transparent backpacks (possible exceptions include diaper bags,, single-compartment drawstring bags, and other bags used for medical reasons if they are within the CFISD size requirements to not exceed  6” X 9” X 5”)

  • Baseball Bats and Ball retrievers

  • Banners or signs larger than standard poster board

  • Banners or signs must be baseball-related and support teams, players and performers

  • Banners or signs which are obscene, slanderous or in bad taste, as determined by the Berry Center Staff

  • Banners or signs may not obstruct the view of other patrons or interfere with the game in any way

  • Banners or signs may not be paraded through any part of the ballpark

  • Banners or signs may be displayed between innings only

  • Bottled water 

  • No items are permitted to be affixed to signs

  • No signs may be affixed to the ballpark

  • Cameras with lenses longer than 6 inches

  • Clothing deemed obscene or indecent

  • Costumes / Costume masks

  • Drones

  • Fireworks

  • Folding chairs

  • Hoverboards and other personal recreational devices

  • Inflatables (i.e. beach balls, basketballs, balloons)

  • Illegal drugs

  • Laser pointers

  • Luggage

  • Noise makers (whistles, horns, bells, etc.)

  • Outside food and drink

  • Poles or sticks of any kind (i.e. flagpoles, broom handles, nets)

  • Portable fans

  • Selfie sticks

  • Skateboards, roller skates, roller shoes, bicycles, wagons for children

  • Strollers (regardless of ability to fold, etc.)

  • Tripods and bipods

  • Umbrellas

  • Weapons - including but not limited to firearms, knives, mace

  • Any item deemed to be inappropriate, hazardous, distasteful, or not supporting the event.

  • We reserve the right not to allow any bag, parcel, or other item and to deal with any unattended object, bag, or luggage as appropriate.

  • All items are subject to change depending on the event.  Contact the Berry Center if you have any questions.


Prohibited Language

Derogatory language, whether spoken or written, regarding race, ethnicity, gender, religion, disability, age, sexual preference, or national origin is prohibited. Such language, whether directed at staff, other guests, students, or game officials is inexcusable, unacceptable, and inconsistent with the values of CFISD.


Vulgar, profane, threatening, bullying, abusive, or offensive language is similarly prohibited.


CFISD/Berry Center maintains a policy of zero tolerance regarding any violation of the Guest Code of Conduct. Any guest who violates the Code of Conduct will be subject to immediate ejection as well as possible arrest and prosecution.

To report a violation of the Code of Conduct, please contact Guest Services immediately.


Such reports may be made in person at our Guest Services locations, directly to Berry Center Administration by phone at 281-894-3900.



Re-entry to the facility

Re-entry options vary by events. Please select the specific event to get re-entry details.



RVs are welcome for multi-day events. Please park your vehicle towards the back of lot D (the last rows closest to the outer drive lane). The facility will lock all entry and exit points at the close of business and will not reopen until the next morning. Berry Center does not provide any utilities or services for those guests who choose to park and stay. Also, no outdoor cooking is permitted.




You can view, print and download the Event schedule at



Standing or stepping on seats may lead to serious bodily injury. Berry Center requests, for your safety and other guests, that you do not step, stand or use seats in a manner other than intended.


Season Tickets (Football)

Season ticket sales are coordinated by the CFISD Athletics office. Call 281-894-3980 for more information.



Security officers and uniformed personnel are stationed throughout the venue during all selected events. In the case of a security incident, immediately notify a uniformed member of the Berry Center staff, CFISD Police or an Andy Frain security officer. Uniformed police officers will be on hand before and after every athletic event to assist in guest safety and traffic management.


In compliance with CFISD security policies, all guests entering Berry Center and Cy-Fair FCU Stadium are subject to inspection by handheld and walk-through metal detectors as well as other protocols deemed by security staff members.

Berry Center enforces a Clear Bag Policy. Bags exceeding 6” x 9” x 5” must be clear. All bags will be checked at all gates prior to entry.


Items not allowed in the facility will not be held by security staff members or other event personnel. No items surrendered to security will be stored or returned. To ensure guest safety, the Berry Center security team reserves the right to refuse admittance of any item deemed hazardous, suspicious, or offensive.

Guests are reminded to leave all prohibited items at home. For the full list of prohibited items, click here. -More work on this



Smoking of tobacco products and e-cigarettes is strictly prohibited on CFISD property. This includes all Berry Center venues, parking lots, entrances and exits. 



Sponsorship is available for a variety of events at Berry Center including the annual Superintendent’s Fun Run, football games. For more information, contact the CFISD Community Engagement office at 281-894-3950.



Strollers are not allowed inside Berry Center or Cy-Fair FCU Stadium. Exceptions may be made for some events. Check the details for your event or contact the Berry Center front office for information.



Tailgate Parties

Tailgate parties are prohibited in all facility parking lots. The CFISD Police Department will strictly enforce open container laws.



The Berry Center does not offer public tours at this time. If you are interested in one of our event spaces (Stadium, Arena, Conference Center or Theater) please contact our events department at 281-894-3900.



Video Boards (Stadium)

Guests visiting Cy-Fair FCU Stadium can enjoy crisp and clear action replays and video just as if they were watching a television. If you are interested in advertising on the video board in Cy-Fair FCU Stadium during football season, see advertising.


Visiting Team Guests (Football)

Visiting teams (non-CFISD schools) are our guests. Harassment of the visiting team or their fans will not be tolerated and may result in ejection from Berry Center and Cy-Fair FCU Stadium.


Vending Machines

Vending machines are located outside the Theatre doors, in vomitory 3 (Arena West), and on the Arena concourse across from section 102. Selections include soft drinks, water, sports drinks, candy, chips, protein bars, and K Cup coffee.





8877 Barker Cypress Rd.

Cypress, TX 77433

(281) 894-3900

© 2024 Berry Center, Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District

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